How to Find the Word Count in Google Docs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Keeping track of your word count in Google Docs is essential, especially if you are a student, a writer, or someone working on a project with specific word limitations. Fortunately, Google Docs makes it simple to find the word count for your document. In just a few clicks, you’ll have all the information you need.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Find the Word Count in Google Docs

Before we dive into the steps, let’s first understand what we are aiming to achieve. By following these steps, you’ll be able to see not only the total word count of your document but also additional statistics like the number of characters, pages, and more.

Step 1: Open your document in Google Docs

Open the Google Docs document for which you want to check the word count.

When you open your document in Google Docs, make sure you’re logged into your Google account. If you’re not, you’ll be prompted to log in.

Step 2: Click on ‘Tools’ in the menu bar

In the Google Docs menu bar, you will see an option labeled ‘Tools’. Click on it.

The ‘Tools’ menu houses various features that can help you format and enhance your document, including the word count feature.

Step 3: Select ‘Word count’ from the dropdown menu

From the dropdown menu that appears under ‘Tools’, select ‘Word count’.

This action will trigger a pop-up window that displays the word count along with other statistics of your document.

Step 4: Review the word count statistics

In the pop-up window, you’ll see the total word count along with the page count, character count, and character count excluding spaces.

This information will help you understand more about the length and size of your document, which can be useful for editing and formatting purposes.

After completing these steps, you’ll have successfully found the word count of your Google Docs document. You can use this information to ensure you meet any word count requirements for your project or assignment.

Tips for Managing the Word Count in Google Docs

  • Tip 1: Use the word count feature regularly to keep track of your document’s length.
  • Tip 2: Remember that the word count tool also counts words in headers, footers, and footnotes.
  • Tip 3: If you need to keep an eye on your word count as you type, you can check the ‘Display word count while typing’ box in the word count pop-up window.
  • Tip 4: You can also use keyboard shortcuts to open the word count window quickly. For Windows, use Ctrl+Shift+C, and for Mac, use Command+Shift+C.
  • Tip 5: If your document is long, consider breaking it into sections to manage word count more effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Google Docs word count include spaces?

No, Google Docs provides both the character count including spaces and the character count excluding spaces.

Can I see the word count for a specific section of my document?

Yes, you can highlight the section of text you want to check, and then follow the same steps to see the word count for just that section.

Is the word count feature available on Google Docs mobile app?

Yes, the word count feature is available on the Google Docs mobile app. The steps to access it are similar to the desktop version.

Can the word count tool count words in a different language?

Yes, the word count tool in Google Docs can count words in different languages that use space as a word separator.

Does using the word count feature cost anything?

No, the word count feature is a free tool provided by Google Docs.


  1. Open your Google Docs document.
  2. Click on ‘Tools’ in the menu bar.
  3. Select ‘Word count’ from the dropdown menu.
  4. Review the word count statistics.


Understanding how to find the word count in Google Docs is a piece of cake once you know where to look. Whether you’re churning out an essay, prepping an article, or just keeping tabs on your writing, those four simple steps will keep you on track. And remember, word count isn’t just about hitting a number—it’s about crafting your message with precision and purpose. So next time you’re knee-deep in paragraphs, keep an eye on those stats. It’s one more tool in your writing arsenal to help you communicate effectively and meet any requirements laid out for you. Happy writing!